Sunday, October 3, 2010

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley Wallpaper

Josh Duhamel Praises 'Transformers 3' Newbie Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

Josh Duhamel may be starring in the October 8 rom-com "Life as We Know It," but he soon will be leaving the world of onscreen diaper changes behind for the world of robots and explosions. And, with filming for "Transformers 3" still under way, he took some time at the New York premiere of "Life as We Know It" to dish on the third installment of the Michael Bay franchise.

"I've seen about 10 minutes of it — just the stuff we shot in Chicago — and it's pretty awesome," he revealed to MTV News.
And, while he kept the details scant, he did promise that fans won't be disappointed by the blockbuster, due out next July.
"It's all in Michael Bay's head, so you never know what the film's going to turn out like, but judging by the script and what we've shot, it's, I think, every bit as good, if not better than, the first two," he declared.
Co-star Shia LaBeouf sang similar praises of the film to MTV News recently, noting he had also seen footage and was blown away.
"It's the best movie we've made out of the three, by far," LaBeouf gushed. "I'm super-proud of this movie, man. ... It's balls out. This is the best movie we've made, period."
Not only does Duhamel promise a great flick, but he is very excited by the addition of Rosie Huntington-Whiteley as Megan Fox's replacement for the film's female lead, an addition that LaBeouf has been equally stoked about.
"I think she's doing a great job," Duhamel shared. "I love her attitude. I think she's a good actress. I think she's perfect for the part."

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley & Jason Statham

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley holds hands with British boyfriend Jason Statham as they walk through the NYC streets and hail a cab on Saturday (September 25).